July 07, 2024
Past lives were never something that I intentionally set out to tap into. I go into each client session open to whatever (and whomever) comes through, as long as it's for the highest good of that person.
When past life info does come through to me, it's almost like a whooosh followed by a feeling/knowing that I'm now viewing something from one of my client's past incarnations. A scene will unfold in my mind's eye and I can usually smell and hear what's happening as well. I'll be able to feel the emotions of the person in the scene that I'm observing. There is always something from a previous life that has been carried forward into the current one.
A few of the examples that are currently coming to mind...
a past life where a little girl's ear canals were damaged either during or shortly after birth and she eventually went deaf. In this current life, my client has suffered from chronic ear and throat infections
a past life where a woman and her family perished on a passenger ship that sank (this was able to be verified with certain details that came through to me during our session). In this current life, my client has a fear of boats and dark water
a past life where the woman was a nurse in a large asylum/sanitarium and dedicated her life to her work there. In this current life my client said how comfortable she has always been in hospitals and she even works in one currently
a past life where a young man was chained in the hull of a ship and it sank, taking many innocent lives with it. In this current life he stated he has always had an "irrational" fear of drowning and being bound (as well as an aversion to being "tied down"). Not so irrational after all.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm remembering the most recent sessions and a couple that have come to mind.
I am always blown away by these. I am always amazed at the things we carry forward into new incarnations. I don't have an answer as to why this happens. I can surmise, given my experience and what I've been able to witness with clients, that this is perhaps something that we do as souls to connect each human life we experience. Like beads on a necklace. Each life, each valuable event that shapes our lives and who we are in that life gets added. A colourful reminder to the essence of who we are, and if we are lucky, a window into who we once were.
It's so valuable and important to go into each session with me, or any other reader, with an open heart and mind. Be open to whatever and whomever comes through. Be grateful that for that short amount of time, you get to bear witness to just a glimpse of where we come from and what we are.
One on one sessions with me can be booked through my website, spiritualcoffee.ca .