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So This is 2024


January 02, 2024


My first blog post in years. 

Of course it has to be after the most intense year, thus far, of my life.  Go big or go home, right?

2023 was simultaneously the best and worse year of my life. To be completely honest, I don't remember much about January or February. My memory of 2023 begins on March 10. I had an appointment for my very first mammogram. I was nervous because everyone is so freaking dramatic about it. How uncomfortable it is and how awful and squishy it is.  Let me tell you - it's not that bad at all. It truly isn't. The whole process takes less than 15 minutes. Don't let the fear mongering of others ever prevent you from getting one because they save lives.

Anyhoo, I got mine done.  First one. Easy peasy. Then I got a phone call. The on-site doctor noticed something in my scans an wanted me to come in for another one the following week. That is where my memory of 2023 begins. The day before my 52nd birthday. 

I'll spare us all the details, mainly because I don't want to relive it all.  Once is more than enough.  Suffice to say that I had breast cancer. In both breasts. Two different types. I mean, of course I did. I rarely do anything in half measures.

A trillion tears, a dozen or so tests and scans, surgery and then 3 weeks of radiation came next. That encompassed March through to the end of  August. 

September was a month of healing. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I dug deep and went way back. I had no idea that a human could cry so many tears. Where do they all come from? I had some amazing revelations and healed on multiple levels. My scars were healing, I was back in my body and even joined a workout class and learned pickleball.

October came and one of the most amazing things ever happened.  I released my first book, Late Bloomer. And people bought it.  And loved it. I cried more tears, but this time they were happy ones. I released it on October 10, on what used to be my wedding anniversary. I made the conscious decision to take back that date and make it into something positive just for me. I'm so glad that I did. What a completely empowering choice that was. 

After that was my annual witch's market that I founded and run.  A huge success. Something else to be so very proud of. Followed swiftly by COVID. I had successfully evaded it for 3 years, but I guess the Universe figured why not add it to 2023. All I will say is 2023 made me ever so grateful for science and medicine. 

November was busy with work, which I'm endlessly grateful for.  Then, in the second week of December I was told that I was cancer free.  GLORY HALLELUJAH!! I doubt that I'll ever receive a better Christmas gift.

So that was my year. It was a lot. The most, actually. But ultimately, the best. 

I learned so much about myself. About others. I felt seen and heard in ways that truly surprised me. Some people truly stepped up and showed me that they deserve to be in my life, while others proved why they are not. I said goodbye to one of my beloved pets and hello to a new one. I reconciled with some and parted ways with others. I learned to love and forgive myself and that brought an unbelievable peace and compassion with it. I was jolted out of my body, then gently, lovingly stepped back in. 

I also rearranged my priorities. Something that I think was long overdue. I'm definitely not the same woman who began 2023, thank God. I'm stronger, softer, healthier, happier, more focused and I hope more present. 

So here's to 2024 and beyond. Be good to me.

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